Samarthia Thankappan

DecarboN8 role: Equality and Inclusion

Job title: Senior Lecturer

Department: Environment and Geography

Organisation: University of York

Profiles: Google Scholar | LinkedIn | Orcid

Professor Greg Marsden

Samarthia is a Senior Lecturer/ Associate Professor at the Department of Environment and Geography, University of York. Her research expertise is in the area of sustainability, policy and governance, providing coherent frameworks for highly innovative research into mechanisms to de-couple economic development from environmental deterioration to operate within ecosystem limits.

Samarthia’s research focuses on three key areas:

i) Sustainability and the automotive sector exploring environmental, economic and social costs of enhanced transport systems, especially the impacts of bio-based material substitution in the automotive sector;

ii) Sustainability and the agri-food sector, tackling a wide range of issues from climate change adaptation and mitigation to understanding the ways in which current behaviours or changed behaviours may affect the sustainability of consumption and production systems in the future;

(iii) Environment, society & governance, examining the complexity & the impact of climate change policy on businesses in the supply chain and mapping social and knowledge flows in ecosystems.

Samarthia has been involved in various large-scale projects funded by ESRC, NERC, BBSRC and EPSRC. Samarthia has links and networks with renowned and notable people in the field of sustainability at the grassroots, national regional and international levels within the food and automotive industries.