Here is a collection of tools we like, which are driven by data relevant to the place-based decarbonisation of transport. DecarboN8 did not create these tools and all credit goes to the developers.
Neighbourhood Planning and Transport Decarbonisation Toolkit
This DecarboN8 funded project created a toolkit to help communities decarbonise their local transport via neighbourhood plans, suggesting detailed strategies to adopt sustainable transport policies in neighbourhood plans and providing good practice examples.

Place-Based Carbon Calculator
The PBCC is an interactive map which provides evidence-based estimates the average carbon footprint per person for neighbourhoods in England.

The Tyndall Carbon Budget Tool
Presenting climate change targets for UK local authority areas that are based on the commitments in the United Nations Paris Agreement, informed by the latest science on climate change and defined by science based carbon budget setting.

Propensity to Cycle Tool
The PCT is a nationwide (England and Wales) web-based tool for estimating cycling potential and
corresponding health and CO2 benefits, down to the street level. The PCT covers travel behaviour data for commuting and travel to school.