Instant Journal Launch: ‘Cumbria 2037: Decarbonising Mobility Futures’
On 22 and 23 November 2022, the DecarboN8 Research Network and the Zero Carbon Cumbria Partnership brought together 80 researchers, policymakers, community groups and local …
On 22 and 23 November 2022, the DecarboN8 Research Network and the Zero Carbon Cumbria Partnership brought together 80 researchers, policymakers, community groups and local …
by Caglar Koksal Since 2016, transport (excluding international aviation and shipping) has been the largest emitter of greenhouse gases in the UK, with the large …
by Daniela Paddeu The trouble with same day delivery and free returns How do you imagine the future? The United Nations say that 68% of …
Given the cost of living crisis, the climate crisis, and the proven benefits of exercise for our physical and mental health, getting around by walking, …
Stantec and DecarboN8 have announced a new research programme about people and place: the missing piece of the surface transport decarbonisation agenda. Since the publication …
by Greg Marsden Drive Less? Who? Me? As local and national transport authorities work through the task of what decarbonising transport in line with the …
By Monika Büscher for de Gruyter There are no passenger flights, the streets are filled with birdsong, in some countries walking and cycling has increased …
DecarboN8 Director, Professor Greg Marsden, explains why the fuel duty freeze is counterproductive for both people and planet Last week’s budget heralded a “record tenth …
The Climate Emergency was the theme of Leeds City Council’s State of the City event this year. Several members of the DecarboN8 team attended to …
Earlier this month we held our first workshop on the theme of Carbon Pathways, ‘Decarbonising Transport: Connecting Carbon Targets to Action’. The workshop was attended …